
Me, myself, and I

One of the biggest value destructions is the inability of people to empower others and command beyond themselves.

Sure, time spent on what you are good at is directly proportional to the value you create. The more time you spend, the better you become at it and the more you can leverage your own skills resulting in greater monetary benefit. Or does it?

Spending more time on what you are good at does create value, but only up to a point where you have reached your maximum physical capacity. By doing so the extent of your wealth creation has been limited to me, myself, and I.

Creating true value – value that goes beyond your wildest dreams – requires the ability to empower others, leverage their skillset and effectively lead a team to a common goal. Many people have started businesses or created something special, but very few of these ventures have created astronomical value. Why? Because of people’s inability to empower others, not allowing duplicatable systems and processes to run their course.

Creating true value – value that goes beyond your wildest dreams – requires the ability to empower others, leverage their skillset and effectively lead a team to a common goal.

Work on your business instead of in your business. Make sure you work on elements of your brand, your people, the structures you use as well as the systems you employ. Understand that progress is better than perfection and discomfort is the only way forward. Only then can you play the infinite game.

Get rid of the very counterproductive me, myself, and I. Embrace value, embrace others.

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