
Author Archives: Franco Cronjé

Reduce Your Tax

An intro to reducing your personal and business income tax We often get asked whether it is possible to legally reduce your taxes whilst growing your personal and business income. The answer is a resounding “yes”. At Nomad.cloud we are actively pursuing this as a business, and making it available to our clients. In a […]

Boiling to Death?

Urban myth has it that if you put a frog in a pot filled with tepid water and gradually heat it, the frog will adjust its body temperature accordingly. When the water is about to reach boiling point, the frog decides to jump out. At this stage, it has lost all its strength and eventually […]

How to Establish Tax Residency in the UAE

The Federal Tax Authority published criteria detailing the process for determining how a person can claim tax residency in the UAE. In the past, there was no such test, and a person was reliant on the so-called 183-day rule. The published criteria for tax residency in the UAE apply to natural persons. For corporates, tax […]

The Freedom to Choose

I currently have the pleasure of reading a book written by Viktor Frankl titled Man’s search for Meaning. In this harrowing account of his survival of the Auschwitz concentration camp during World War II he comes to one very specific conclusion as a result of his ordeal. He summarises it as follows: “Forces beyond your […]

Dubai Residency Visas Explained

Recent amendments to the visa application process introduced the Golden and Green Visa programs which is a huge benefit to the visa holder and once again shows the progressive nature of Dubai. Investors or business owners can either obtain a residency visa through the purchase of a property or by way of self-sponsorship through the […]

The Difference: Residency vs Citizenship

A Citizen belongs to a certain country, whereas a resident is permitted to live there having met certain conditions. The most notable difference is citizenship allows one to apply for a passport for the country in which one resides. Citizenship holds more rights than a residency permit or visa, like for example the right to vote. […]

What is RCBI?

RCBI stands for Residency and Citizenship By Investment. RCBI programs allow persons from one country to gain residency or citizenship in another for reasons such as tax benefits, better healthcare and state services, access to better education and employment opportunities, or freedom of mobility. Depending on the country of preference either citizenship or residency can […]

Setting up a Trust in Mauritius

GENERAL OVERVIEW A trust is a legal agreement entered into by the “Settlor” whereby he appoints “Trustees” to manage and look after all trust assets on behalf of “beneficiaries”. Although trust arrangements may include numerous variations the most prevalent of these are whether a trust is a testamentary or inter-vivos trust, vesting or a discretionary […]

Dubai Moves Towards Becoming Crypto Capital

The latest in a string of Crypto exchanges have received the go-ahead for setting up regional headquarters in the UAE. Kraken, one of the world’s biggest Crypto exchanges, will soon open its doors in Abu Dhabi and be the first exchange to provide Dirham trading. Kraken has also partnered with Rakbank which will allow residents […]

Blame Is Lame

INSIDE THE BUSINESS As a leader, nothing is more sobering than bringing to mind a quote attributed to Napoleon, “There are no bad soldiers, only bad captains.” Napolean When it concerns people in your business, consider them un-blameable. You hired them, right? You trained them? You clearly conveyed what was required and followed up, right? […]

Case Study: Psychai Talent Group sets up in Dubai with Nomad.cloud

PSYCHAI Business Type: Management and Human Resource Consultancy Business industry: Human Resources, Software development Employee size: 15 Managing Director: Prof. Ederick Stander Regions: Africa and Middle East Website:  www.psychai.co www.fitt.ai Business case Psychai is a multi-dimensional management consulting firm specializing in human resources and personal development. Psychai consults internationally on various aspects of management and […]

Dubai: Corporate Taxation and Place of Effective Management

Incorporating a Company in Dubai brings with it huge opportunities. The benefits are immense as you gain access to one of the most vibrant economies of the world, excellent infrastructure, the ability to serve numerous markets as Dubai is regionally very well positioned, access to stable foreign currencies, residency permits for directors and employees, and […]

Banking in Dubai

Up to mid-2018 the UAE was still on what was referred to as the “blacklist” as monitored by the Financial Action Task Force (FATF). The leadership of Dubai has taken drastic measures ensuring they were removed from this “black” listing and transferred to the “greylist”. Measures taken include the signing of numerous double taxation agreements, […]

Earning Income Abroad

The tagline for Dubai seems to be that it is a “Tax Haven” as employees can pay no taxes on their salary and companies are not required to pay any corporate income or capital gains tax. Not paying any tax is a very topical discussion amongst friends and colleagues alike. The term “Tax Haven” is […]

Economic Substance Regulations in Dubai

Economic Substance Regulations (ESR) require companies registered in the UAE that carry on one or more “Related Activities” to have economic substance in the UAE in relation to these activities and to comply with notification and return filing obligations. If you cannot prove Economic Substance or adhere to the filing requirements, your company’s information will […]

The Tax-Free Lifestyle

Is a tax-free lifestyle a possibility for South Africans? Can you earn an income or trade and invest in Equities, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Cardano, and the likes with absolute freedom and without having to pay any tax? South Africans are subject to a high marginal tax rate at 45% with corporates being taxed at 28% along […]

Why Mauritius?

If the spectactular subtropical island is not enough reason for you to be convinced and consider moving to Mauritius, then maybe some of the following more fundamental reasons may provide some convincing: Approved by EU and whitelisted by OECD Does not feature into any Black Register. 46 Double Taxation Agreements and counting (Majority with African […]

Permanent Residency in Mauritius

The Permanent Residence Permit allows a non-citizen to work and live in Mauritius for a period of 20 years. The requirements for permanent residency require that you be in possession of a valid 10-year Occupational Permit as well as adhering to the below-mentioned criteria per category. INVESTORS If an investor, as defined, holds an Occupational […]

Live and Work in Mauritius – Occupational Permit

The Occupation Permit (OP) is a combined work and residence permit which allows foreign nationals to work and reside in Mauritius under the following categories and is valid for 10 years Any person wanting to apply for the 20-year Occupational permit should first follow this process and obtain a permit in one of the following […]

Setting Up a Company in Mauritius

The main types of companies to be incorporated by foreigners in Mauritius is referred to as either a: Global Business License (GBL) An Authorized Company Other companies which may be established include Domestic Companies, Freeport Companies, and Limited Partnerships. Mauritius is also well known for a jurisdiction in which you can preserve your wealth and […]

Taxation in Mauritius

CORPORATE TAXES MUR imposes corporate taxes on its residents amounting to 15%. Subject to compliance with substance requirements your company holding a global business license may claim a 80% partial tax exemption on certain foreign sourced income. Most notably these include: Foreign interest Foreign dividends Profits of a foreign permanent establishment and many others The […]

Setting up your Company in Dubai

Dubai South Africans Business New Company move to dubai

You have made the decision to setup your company in Dubai and obtain a residency visa as part of this process. Now the question remains: What is the difference between the various options for setting up a company and which should I choose? You basically have three options for setting up a company: Offshore company […]

In the Face of Adversity

Nowadays it seems that we are continuously in a state of hardship, difficulty, or misfortune. Mankind of which ever race, or social or economic standing, has most probably not endured such hardship since the great depression or world wars in the mid-1940’s. We as a people, whether we are employees or business owners, are constantly […]

Why Dubai (UAE) May Be The Right Place For You

The UAE, which forms part of the GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council), has been growing rapidly over the past decade or two, mostly on the back of its oil reserves. The COVID-19 pandemic has not nearly made such a large impact on the GCC countries as is the case in most other countries. The GCC countries […]

Soon To Be Largest In The World ‒ Al Maktoum International Airport Dubai

Dubai is known for its lavish property development projects and outrageous landmarks all conceived in a mere 30 years or so. Dubai is “new” compared to other world leading cities and continuous to expand and growing. The latest masterpiece promises to be the Al Maktoum International Airport and its surroundings. In addition to the well-established […]

Crypto, less Cryptic.

Digital assets, blockchain, crypto, bitcoin, ethereum, altcoins, exchanges … There is a revolution that is taking the world by storm. Cryptocurrency is a type of currency which uses digital files as money. Usually, the files are created using the same methods as cryptography (the science of hiding information). Cryptocurrencies use “decentralized control”, which means that […]

Run it, in the Family.

For far too long business owners of businesses large and small, have neglected succession planning only to be exposed when it is too late. The inconvenience of dealing with the difficulties of ensuring successful transitions, either to the next level or the next generation, is what will ensure wealth preservation and successful generational transfer. “Avoiding […]


In a sense 2020 was needed. Not because of Covid-19 and the lasting negative impact this had and continue to have on families and businesses all round, but rather to force us human beings to reflect and start acting differently. “The inflection point was reached. There is no returning to the normal you knew. “ […]


Failure has been branded by the majority as embarrassing and weak, resulting in reputational damage and adversity. Some people are so scared of failing they don’t even try! And those who try keep seeking certainty instead of accepting that not all information will be available when the journey is started. Instead, requiring clarity should be […]

Comfort Zone

If it is too easy, you are in your comfort zone. A very bad place to be. Maybe it is time to shift. To move to the next level and onto the next challenge. “Avoid comfort, challenge yourself constantly.“ Comfort is the first step of stagnation. Avoid comfort, challenge yourself constantly. As human beings we […]

On the business, not in.

“Make yourself free to work on the business, not in the business.” Make yourself free to work on the business, not in the business. Be pro-active now in finding out about better ways of working, there are tons of online tools and cloud-based solutions that can reduce man hours on paperwork, and give you access […]

Make the Shift

The world is ever more connected, online and cloud-based. Holding on to analogue processes and paper-based methods will mean you can’t link with client, suppliers and other businesses who are adapting to new digital norms. “If your business doesn’t have a discoverable online presence, and your back-office functions are not cloud-based then you simply won’t […]

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